*** Now Introducing the YHME SHUTOFF KIT *** Shut off your yard hydrant without disrupting water supply to everything else.

Imagine this:

Your frost-free yard hydrant has failed; you have people, animals, or plants that need to be using this hydrant; and you have to replace the hydrant.

Three problems immediately occur to you:

  1. To replace the hydrant, you are going to have to dig a giant hole to get down to the water line.

  2. Likely, you will have to “call before you dig” and wait for the utility companies to locate underground utilities.

  3. You will have to shut off water to your house, barn, or watering stations while all the work is taking place.

If you are familiar with the Yard Hydrant Made Easy™, you already know that, once installed, it completely eliminates problems 1 and 2.

But what about problem 3 — disrupting water service to your house, barn, and everything else for hours while the hydrant is being replaced?

Enter the YHME Shutoff Kit.

The YHME Shutoff Kit is an add-on valve kit that can be installed with any of our Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ products, allowing you to shut off an individual yard hydrant any time without interrupting water service to the rest of the system.

Click here to learn more.
