What our customers are saying (click to read in full):

Midwest Innovative Technologies (MITI) is a family-owned business in Salem, Illinois dedicated to designing and manufacturing plumbing products that deliver a measurable return on investment.
Founded in 2011 as the manufacturing arm of Goff Plumbing & Heating Co. (est. 1976), MITI offers patented solutions to an age-old plumbing problem – the replacement of frost-free hydrants. MITI’s Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ and Wall Hydrant Made Easy™ make easy work of plumbing jobs that traditionally required a great deal of excavation, demolition, time, labor, and frustration.
Says MITI founder Kevin Cantrell, “Our products are wrought out of real-world grit, experience, and the hope of a better way, literally from the trenches. Our products put money back in the hands of owners and taxpayers by allowing hydrants to be replaced without excavation or demolition.”