Tired of digging up your yard hydrant every time it fails?
Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ lets you remove your hydrant for replacement or repair any time — without digging.
Check out the video below to see how it works. Then keep scrolling down to learn more.
About the Yard Hydrant Made Easy™
The photos below are from some of our actual yard hydrant replacements. If these hydrants had been installed with a Yard Hydrant Made Easy™, all of the back-breaking labor and excavation cost would have been eliminated by a simple, slide-out/screw-on/slide-in process.

The Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ makes replacing a yard hydrant as easy as 1, 2, 3…
Step 1
Remove the top cap and pull out the old hydrant.
Step 2
Attach the new hydrant to the pitless adapter.
Step 3
Slide the hydrant back into the YHME casing and reattach the top cap.
Quick Facts:
Any installed yard hydrant will eventually need to be replaced.
Replacing a yard hydrant can be very costly, labor-intensive, and stressful.
Once installed, the Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ will greatly reduce the cost and trouble of future hydrant replacements.
Our innovative telescoping design allows you to install your standard 3/4” yard hydrant at any freeze depth between between 3' and 7'. (If you only need a 2’ bury, then check out our YHME Kit.)
The patented Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ was designed to save yard hydrant owners large sums of money and time in replacing/repairing their hydrants. Homes, farms, ranches, RV parks, campgrounds, golf courses… anywhere you install a YHME, life will be easier.
The YHME is an innovative casing system that is installed when replacing an existing standard yard hydrant (frost-free hydrant, or freeze-proof hydrant) or when installing a new standard yard hydrant. Once the YHME is installed, the next time the hydrant needs to be replaced, no busting concrete, tearing up the yard, or excavation of any type, will be required. The labor and frustration of digging up and replacing a leaking yard hydrant will be a thing of the past.
The benefits don’t stop there. The YHME casing also helps to protect your hydrant from soil corrosion. Additionally, the drainage section of the YHME is slotted and filled with filter media to prevent the hydrant’s weep hole from getting clogged with debris. Thus the YHME mitigates the risk of both corrosion- and freeze-related failures, extending the life of your hydrant.
Also, our Model 303 is the only system on the market that incorporates an ASSE 1024 certified dual-check-valve backflow preventer to protect your water supply as required by certain plumbing codes.
All YHME models use tough, heavy-wall PVC telescoping casing, modified lead-free brass pitless adapters, durable ABS top caps and drain components, and stainless steel hardware.
The water supply line attaches to the 1” FIP threaded inlet of the pitless adapter on the bottom outside of the casing, and the 3/4” yard hydrant (of your choice) is to be attached to the inside removable portion of the pitless adapter. The yard hydrant then slides into the stationary portion of the pitless adapter at the bottom of the YHME casing. We do not endorse any particular brand of hydrant, but the Green Yard Master™ buyer’s guide is a good place to start.
The manufacturers of standard yard hydrants recommend back-filling around the base of hydrants with rock to allow the water expelled from the weep hole to soak into the ground. (For more on this read your hydrant manufacturer's instruction manual.) If no rock is installed, this can cause freezing and hydrant damage to develop. The filtered drainage section at the bottom of the YHME helps to prevent this potential problem. However, it is still recommended to place additional rock around the base of the YHME prior to back-fill. Maximum operating water pressure 100 psig
Click here for full installation instructions.
Click here to watch our installation video.
Code Requirements
Certain local codes consider a standard yard hydrant as a source of possible water contamination due to the underground weep, or drain, hole. Some codes allow for the installation of a dual check valve back-flow preventer upstream of a standard yard hydrant to protect the water source from contamination. Our Model 303 includes this dual check valve back-flow preventer. This allows the hydrant to meet this code requirement by protecting the domestic potable water supply. It is recommended that you not drink the water that comes out of the hydrant. Also, be sure to check your local code requirements. We cannot guarantee that the Model 303 will satisfy each and every local code.
To learn more about our products:
1) Check out our informative videos.
2) View all models and color options in our online store.
3) Read the testimonials.
4) Peruse our FAQ page.
5) Give us a call at 618-740-0074. We are glad to answer your questions and help with your specific application.