Never Dig Up a Yard Hydrant Again with the Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ - Not Just a "Sleeve"

The Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ is more than just a "sleeve." Aside from simplifying future replacement/repair of frost-free hydrants, the YHME offers many bonus benefits and is built to last. Thousands of YHME's have been installed all over the US, as far north as Alaska, with no warranty issues and excellent customer satisfaction.

Here’s why the Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ is more than just a “sleeve”:

  1. The Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ is the ONLY hydrant replacement system with a pitless adapter. The crux of our patent, this proven slide-in/slide-out technology eliminates a major pitfall of other systems, which leave you trying to make a failure-prone underground threaded connection.

  2. The Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ is the only system with a filtered drainage compartment that helps to keep dirt out of the hydrant’s weep hole (a common cause of yard hydrant failure) while allowing water from the hydrant to drain quickly and efficiently.

  3. The Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ is the only system with an optional back-flow preventer. Many state plumbing codes require a back-flow preventer upstream of any frost-free hydrant, and the back-flow preventer must be accessible. The YHME makes this super simple by incorporating an ASSE 1024 dual-check-valve back-flow preventer and making it accessible by allowing the hydrant to be pulled out any time. This is not possible with other hydrant replacement systems because, unlike our sliding pitless adapter, they use threaded joints. This means that when the hydrant is unscrewed, the check valve could remain in the ground or actually come apart at the valve’s threaded body joint (union). The YHME eliminates all of those risks.

  4. The Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ (Models 101 and 303) are the only yard hydrant replacement systems on the market with a dual, telescoping casing, allowing quick installation at any bury depth. The dual sleeve is also much more rigid than anything else on the market.

Check out our other blog posts, videos, and product page to learn more about why Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ is THE way to go on any frost-free yard hydrant installation. And feel free to give us a call if you have more questions. We really believe in our products and are glad to help you make your project a success.

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