VIDEO: Yard Hydrant Hit by a Car; Replaced in 10 Minutes | Yard Hydrant Made Easy™
When a homeowner ran over their yard hydrant with a car, it bent the hydrant and made it unusable. Luckily, the hydrant was installed in a Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ and was replaced in about ten minutes with no digging, concrete excavation, equipment rental, or landscaping damage.
We've heard of Yard Hydrant Made Easy's™ surviving worse than this, but a run-in with a car is about as bad as it gets. Had the hydrant been installed in the traditional way, the client would have spent $600-800 for a plumber to excavate and replace the hydrant, not to mention repair of damaged landscaping or potential concrete excavation.
Thanks to the Yard Hydrant Made Easy™, the replacement was a breeze. The longest part of the process was locating the water meter, and that was pretty easy too.
Looking down into the Yard Hydrant Made Easy™ casing. Notice the bent hydrant pipe.
Left: the new yard hydrant to be installed. Right: the old, bent yard hydrant to be replaced.